Product Tour

Users post directly from their smartphones or on the web

  • Foster community involvement and leverage citizen journalism by letting users post photos, video and stories from your mobile app and microsite, which are branded for you and hosted by us

  • Users post into your category and location hierarchy, so your content is neatly organized and easily navigable on mobile and on web

  • Users have on-demand visibility into the status of their submissions so they are encouraged to submit more and avoid the “black hole” often seen with email-based UGC programs

  • The point-and-click admin console lets you set approval rules that determine on a user-by-user basis which posts are published automatically, and which ones need your review before publication

  • Each submission is tagged for search engines so you get SEO benefits as users post to your subdomain microsite (hosted by ShareItMobile)

Put your audience to work as your feet-on-the street

  • The built-in Assignments feature lets you issue on-app calls-to-action so you can leverage your distributed community for photos and video you may not otherwise be able to attain

  • Users get in-app mobile notifications for your new calls for content – they can respond via mobile to easily give you the content you want in real-time from on-the-scene

  • Assignments are a great way for you to run contests and boost content contribution

Approved content is easy to browse in a well-organized, intuitive interface

  • Since contributions are categorized by users when they submit content, your audience can browse by category and/or by location or search by keyword

  • Your own configurable location and category trees let you present content in a hyper- local and topical manner that makes sense to your audience

Users can interact on mobile and web and vote for their favorite posts

  • Users can tag their favorites and vote on posts, as well as submit comments -- the system leverages ratings and comments to automatically showcase the most popular submissions

  • Your community can self-police can by tagging objectionable posts as so they can be quickly removed from the public eye

Social media sharing capabilities extend the reach of your branded UGC

  • You and your audience can leverage the viral nature of social media by sharing interesting content to today's most popular social media sites, like Facebook, twitter and Pinterest

  • Shared Assignments and posts recruit new users and generate clicks on your website to deliver ad inventory

Reward your best contributors with special social status and auto-publish privileges

  • Give frequent contributors special user designations -- like "Star Reporter" -- to encourage quality contributions

  • Choose which users’ posts go live automatically upon posting and which users’ posts require your review before going live – the point-and-click management tools make it easy to promote, demote or prohibit contributors
  • Feature highest-rated posts on your other websites and in promotional materials – contributors give you those rights during their registration!

Point-and-click management tools streamline content publication and user management

In the web-based Admin panel, you can...

  • Manage your own Category and Location trees to accommodate late-breaking news, hyper-local content, and new advertiser sponsors

  • Create Assignments and set Alerts to notify your users of calls-to-action, featured content, contests, or the latest site improvements

  • Search, sort and filter users and user posts for quick insight into community activity

  • Efficiently review and publish a large quantity of posts -- or reject objectionable content

  • Manage users' publishing permissions and role designations, specifying which users have auto-publish privileges and which are prohibited

  • View real-time usage statistics on platform activity, such as quantity of users or content